Figure O3L

Figure O3L is a mysterious being that appeared inside an empty containment room at Testing Facility [REDACTED] on the weekend of [REDACTED] while no personnel were on site. The scientist who discovered Figure O3L on Monday, September [REDACTED] 2468 stated that upon checking camera footage from Containment Room No. [REDACTED], the pictured Figure O3L could be seen blankly staring into the camera. Looking back over the footage, the scientist noticed that the mysterious owl-faced figure appeared at exactly [REDACTED] AM on Saturday, September [REDACTED] 2468. Cross-checking this time with the employee timecards reveals that the time Figure O3L appeared was precisely one minute after the last employee checked out on the Sunday the Figure appeared.

The source of Figure O3L is unknown, and testing has revealed that the Figure's gelatinous body comprises no compounds known to exist on Earth. Despite its seemlingly innocent nature, scans reveal that extreme amounts of radiation are emitted from its eyes. Because of this, Figure O3L has remained under strict surveillance to ensure the survival of the human race. Fortunately, the Lovecraftian-Level Threat known as Figure O3L has remained in the same position it first appeared in, leading the team in charge of surveillance to believe that Figure O3L is incapable of movement.

Although Figure O3L has retained its classification as a Lovecraftian-Level Threat, the team in charge of keeping it subdued quickly became distracted with discussing the Figure's appearance. Displaying the unusual combination of a barn owl's face with comically constricted pupils, and as one scientist on the team said, "the bushiest eyebrows known to man," some began to wonder if the Figure was some cruel joke. Another scientist added, "That thing looks like it's laughing at the entire universe." Until further notice, Figure O3L is classified as contained.

REPORT - Figure O3L
Thursday, [REDACTED]